Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management 2024-12-30T10:12:22+01:00 Zoltán Bartha Open Journal Systems <p>Theory, Methodology, Practice (TMP) – Review of Business and Management was launched by the Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc in 2002, with the aim of providing a forum for high-quality original research papers on the subject of business (including the business environment) and management.</p> Success and Impact of the 2024 European Universities Games on the University of Miskolc 2024-08-29T08:08:03+02:00 Zoltán Rakaczki <p>The University of Miskolc implemented one of the most significant and complex projects in its history by hosting the 2024 European Universities Games. In the research, which is partly descriptive and partly empirical, I examine the success and impact of the event from the perspective of the University of Miskolc, utilizing management theory and sports science approaches. To provide a better understanding of the research question, I introduce the process of organizing the event. The changes in the legislative environment and organizational model of the hosted international sports events in Hungary have significantly affected the event's project organization and, consequently, its execution. I will also look at another factor that influenced the large-scale project, the transformation of the University of Miskolc into a private university, similar to the co-organizer University of Debrecen. I participated in all phases of the organization of the event, I use primary data during the research.</p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zoltán Rakaczki A Theoretical Framework to Measure Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy among Hungarian Residents 2024-07-17T14:50:28+02:00 Péter Bihari <p>Global warming is a pressing issue, but so does economic development and the constantly increasing electricity demand. Governments have to find the balance between conserving the Earth’s atmosphere for future generations and fueling their country’s economy to achieve higher output. Nuclear energy seems like a solid solution for both problems. It can help to replace the fossil fuels in the electricity mix and at the same time reduce CO2 emission, however thanks to the specificities of the technology a lot of people are skeptical about it. The aim of this study is to review the currently available behavioral and technology acceptance models - such as TRA, TPB, TAM, Risk-Benefit Concept, PADM - and based on the results build a new model, that could serve as a basis for a future survey among Hungarian residents related to the acceptance of nuclear energy generation.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Péter Bihari Before Russo-Ukrainian War: How Did EU-Ukraine Association Agreement of 2014 Transform Ukraine’s Economy? 2024-10-21T08:46:19+02:00 Hakan Erpolat Nurtaç Yıldırım <p>In this paper is tried to identify, if exists, any degree of qualitative divergence in Ukraine’s economic structure before and after the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, and examine whether the agreement fulfilled its promises. The way in which we investigate the issue is by employing ADL modelling, bifurcating the whole model as before agreement model (BAM) and after agreement model (AAM). It’s been observed severe disruptions in the structure of export, import and foreign direct investment, transformed Ukraine’s economy into less favorable position, aggravating the economy’s weak spots. Under these considerations, hypothesis that EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is transformative in the unpromising sense, and it has been of no little effect in building up new and unfavorable economic paradigm for Ukraine is scientifically substantiated.</p> 2024-12-05T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hakan Erpolat, Nurtaç Yıldırım Testing the Validity of Spatial Beta Convergence for the Countries of Southern Europe 2024-12-16T11:11:04+01:00 Dora Szendi <p>Territorial economic and social disparities remain a major problem for the European Union today. No two regions have the same characteristics and starting conditions, resulting in significant disparities in their development path. The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of the economic and social shocks of the 2000s (the economic and financial crisis of 2008-09 and the COVID-19 pandemic) on the economies of four countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece) in Southern Europe. The study presents county-level differences in gross value added and their changes in response to external shocks. The methodology used is based on classical descriptive statistics, convergence analyses (sigma, beta, gamma) and spatial autocorrelation studies. The results show that the impact of the shocks of the 2000s varies across counties, with some areas being able to increase their gross value added even during the crisis period. However, the first and second waves of the economic and financial crisis and the pandemic had an uneven impact on the region's counties, which further increased territorial disparities.</p> 2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dora Szendi Economic Growth and Firm Size Dynamics: Evidence from Romania’s Development Regions 2024-12-30T10:12:22+01:00 Daniel Badulescu Alina Badulescu Ramona Simut Dragos Dianu <p>The relationship between firms and economic growth is an intensely debated topic in the literature, emphasizing the impact of the large businesses or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in ensuring growth, innovation and employment, the role of support measures or social benefits. Although the importance of each category in growth and development is far from a consensus, there is a tacit recognition that each size-class of firms has a series of specific characteristics that can better influence certain aspects of development. A better knowing of them could help adapting and calibrating measures and policies according to specific objectives, stages or geographical areas. In this paper, we propose an econometric approach to the relationship between economic growth (by GDP evolution) and the dynamics of the firms’ sector, by size class, at the level of the development regions of Romania. We found that the effect of the number of enterprises in each size class similarly influences the GDP, regardless of the region, with a more pronounced positively impact in the case of micro- and small enterprises and ambiguous in the case of medium-sized enterprises.</p> 2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Badulescu, Alina Badulescu, Ramona Simut, Dragos Dianu