Application of column tests to derive transport parameters of manganese in mine waste dump material of Rudabánya

ONLINE FIRST (pre-proof)


  • Márton Tóth University of Miskolc
  • Enikő Tóth-Darabos University of Miskolc
  • Balázs Kovács University of Miskolc


heavy metal, breakthrough test, mine waste dump, irreversible reaction rate


The most accurate method to create a transport model of an area is to determine the transport parameters of a contaminant in the investigated porous media. The batch and column tests are the tools that can be used to derive this information. To describe the transport process in a column, 1D transport equation is applicable therefore the equation's analytical solution becomes possible. In our work, two-column test setups were investigated from the aspect of their accuracy in the determination of longitudinal dispersivity, retardation factor, and irreversible reaction rate constant, respectively. In the first measurement method, a solution with constant concentration (0.01 M Mn solution) was percolated through the column filled with mine waste dump material. In the second measurement method, distilled water was percolated through the column continuously but in a moment an impulse amount of manganese (10 ml 0.5 M Mn solution) was injected into the column at its bottom. The first measurement served the breakthrough curve (BTC), and the second measurement resulted the impulse curve (IMP). The retardation factor of Mn found in the media is similar in both measurement setups (RBTC=1.87, RIMP=1.47). The value of the irreversible reaction rate constant differs in the two experiments; an order of magnitude difference was found between the result of the breakthrough test (µBTC=6.94·10-5 1/s) and the impulse test (µIMP=2.09·10-4 1/s).





