Dear Colleague, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th International Conference on Vehicle and Automotive Engineering (VAE2022), that will be organized ONLINE depending on the pandemic situation at September 8-9, 2022. The aim of the conference is to bring together the experts from both the academic and industrial areas and to show the development on these fields.
This is an IIW (International Institute of Welding) supported event.
The call for papers is open, submission deadline: January 14, 2022. With submitting your paper, please correspond at least 4 suggested reviewers (name, company, e-mail address) – at least two of them must be from another country.
Dear Authors
Since we are using the Open Journal System hosted by our university for this conference, (because the Open Conference System seems to be abandoned) which is not support consecutive abstract and paper round,
as a workaround we will handle this by creating two rounds: first for abstracts, second for full papers.
Azok a kollégák akik már regisztrálva vannak a Multidisciplinary Sciences journalba ide már nem kell külön regisztrálniuk mert az adatbázis közös (így nem is lehet regisztrálni kétszer). Tehát ugyanazzal a felhasználói név/jelszóval kell belépni.
A konferencia rendszerbe belépés után jobb felül a felhasználói név alatti menüben View Profile, majd a Roles-ban kattintsák be magukat Authorként és esetleg Reviewerként, majd Save.
Utána már tudnak absztraktot/cikket benyújtani.
További egyetemi journalok/esetlegesen ezt a rendszert használó egyebek megjelenésekor ugyanígy kell majd eljárni.