Chinese and Hungarian Financial Relations
financial relations, China, HungaryAbsztrakt
Banking and financial relations sometimes precede, sometimes follow, but in all cases reinforce economic and political cooperation. This is also the case between China and Hungary. China, which is increasingly assuming its role as a world power, is - for obvious pragmatic reasons - open towards the Central and Eastern European countries wedged between Asia and Western Europe. It is doing so along traditional Chinese trade routes, as part of the 'One Belt, One Road' programme. In this programme, Hungary can build on its known Eastern origins, its deeper understanding of different political systems, and its multifaceted personal relationships to establish successful economic and political cooperation with the financial sector playing its part.
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Pénzes, J., Pálóczi, G., & Pásztor, Sz. (2014). Social frontiers in Hungary in the mirror of the centre-periphery dichotomy of incomes. EUROLIMES, 17, pp. 11-23.
Varga, M. (2017). Speech of the Minister for National Economy, In: Yang, Zaiping (szerk.) AFCA CEE Financial Summit Fórum – New Chapter of Asia-Europe Financial Cooperation, 2017. November 28-29. Budapest, Hungary (pp. 131-133). Beijing, China: Asian Financial Cooperation Association (AFCA).
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