The crime of budget fraud and problems of error in Hungarian criminal law


  • Judit Jacsó Full professor, Institute of Criminal Sciences, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • Ferenc Sántha Associate professor, Institute of Criminal Sciences, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Miskolc, Hungary



Criminal law, error in general, error of law, error of fact, error of the social danger of the act, tax evasion, tax fraud, budget fraud, economic crisis


Taking account of the importance of combating budget fraud and tax evasion, this article aims to examine the topic of error in general and in the case of tax evasion. After a brief introduction, the article is divided into two main parts. Firstly, in order to understand the relevant issues, the models of regulation of tax crimes in Europe are outlined, including Hungary's national legislation on the crimes of budget fraud, which can be a good example of effectively combating against tax evasion in the field of substantial criminal law. Secondly, error as a ground for excluding criminal liability in general and in the case of tax fraud is presented and discussed, with particular reference to the issues of error of law, error of fact and, finally, misjudging the social danger of the offence.


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How to Cite

Jacsó, J., & Sántha, F. (2023). The crime of budget fraud and problems of error in Hungarian criminal law. European Integration Studies, 19(2).



Articles - Section I.