Role of the family in the socialisation of children: Relevant sociological research in Hungary


  • András Pári Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary



family, socialisation, children, Roma, social situation.


The number of children in Hungary has been steadily decreasing in the recent decades, which poses serious demographic challenges for the country. According to the latest statistics, the decrease in the number of children is not only a consequence of the relatively low number of births, but is also related to the aging of the population and the changing values among young people.

The socialization and rights of children are closely related to the family environment, educational institutions and social interactions. The socialization of children begins in the family, where the parent-child relationship plays a fundamental role in the development of the personality. Family parenting styles, such as supportive or authoritarian approaches, have a significant impact on children's socialization processes and their later quality of life.

The protection of children's rights is also crucial during socialization processes. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the rights of children, including the right to freedom of expression, the right to family life and the provision of an appropriate educational environment.

During the process of family socialization, children learn social behaviors not only from the close family environment, but also from broader family relationships, which are particularly emphasized in large families. In large families, children can see more examples, which enriches their socialization experiences and helps them develop social skills.

Family customs, patterns and norms, from religiosity to financial decision-making, also have a significant impact on children's future lives. In addition, family socialization affects not only children's development, but also interactions between families and social structures. During family life education, children learn how social relationships work and how to navigate different social situations. In large families, shared experiences and family traditions further strengthen family identity, which plays a decisive role in their later (adult) lives.


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