About the Journal

Name of the journal            Multidisciplinary Sciences

Pubilsher                               University of Miskolc

ISSN  (print)                          2062-9737 (2011-2014, 2016)

ISSN (on-line)                       2786-1465

Availability                             multi.uni-miskolc.hu

Peer review process            Double blind review

Responsible for publication

Prof. Dr. Péter Szűcs, vice rector, rekrh@uni-miskolc.hu


Miskolc University Press

Leader: Emőke Horváth, emoke.horvath@uni-miskolc.hu

Address: Miskolc University Press, Miskolc-Egyetemváros 3515 Hungary

Short history

  • Publications of the Department of Mining and Metallurgy of the Royal Hungarian Academy of Mining and Forestry (1929-1933)
  • Publications of the Department of Mining and Metallurgy of the Royal Hungarian József Nádor Academy of Engineerign and Economy (1934-1947)
  • Publications of the Technical University of Heavy Industry (1955-1976)
  • Four new series: A - Mining, B - Metallurgy, C - mechanical Engineering, D - Natural Sciences (1976-)
  • Publications of the University of Miskolc with three new series: E - Law, F - Economy, G - Art and Social Sciences (1990-)
  • Multidisciplinary Sciences (2011-)