The analysis of case studies helps to preparation and evaluation of high strength steel fatigue strength improving programs for post weld treatment methods




high strength steels, fatigue strength improvement, post weld treatment, weld geometry improvement, residual stress condition improvement, experimental program


Numerous researchers conducted work on the fatigue strength improvement of high strength steels welding joint by applying different post-weld treatment on it, in the last decade. These research works based on different approaches to compare the post-weld treated welding joints fatigue strength with the as welded condition or with another post-weld treatment processes. These methods are limitedly applied based on practical experiences, however significantly different results were presented in research studies. To compare the different post-weld treatment fatigue strength improvement results on high strength steels, experimental program should be performed. The aims of this article are summarizing the most relevant information for our experimental work based on analysed case studies, and proposing program setup method for evaluation different post-weld treatment process results.


