Maria Theresa’s reign and Hungary




Hungary and the Habsburg Empire, Hungary in the 18th century until the reign of Maria Theresa, Maria Theresa’s reign, Ratio Educationis, Regulating the status of serfs


In 1762, Maria Theresa awarded the rank of academy to the School of Mining and Metallurgy (Bergschola), established in Selmecbánya in 1735, whose name was Academy of Mining and Metallurgy  (Bergakademie) from this time on. This paper commemorates the monarch on the 260th anniversary of making the school an academy. I strive to give a brief but comprehensive overview of the 18th century history of Hungary, the interconnectedness of the fate of the Habsburg dynasty and Hungary as well as the forty years’ reign of this outstanding queen. Her judgement – just like that of the Habsburg Empire – has changed through time both in public opinion and in historiography but in this paper, my aim is not primarily to present special literature findings.


