Editorial Team


Prof. Dr. György KOCZISZKY CSc, professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY (regkagye@uni-miskolc.hu)


Dr. Katalin LIPTÁK PhD, associate professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY (katalin.liptak@uni-miskolc.hu)


Members of the Editorial Board:

Dr. Imrich ANTALÍK, associate professor, J .Selye University, SLOVAKIA (antaliki@ujs.sk)

Prof. Dr.  Károly  BALATON DSc, professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY  (szvbk@uni-miskolc.hu)

Prof. Dr. József  BENEDEK PhD, professor, Babes-Bólyai University, ROMANIA (jozsef@geografie.ubbcluj.ro)

Prof. Dr. Zoltán BIRÓ A. PhD, professor, Sapientia Hunarian University of Transylvania, ROMANIA (biroa_zoltan@yahoo.com)

Dr. Tibor ELEKES PhD, associate professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY (tibor.elekes@uni-miskolc.hu)

Dr. Kolos KARDKOVÁCS, Hungarian Cental Bank, HUNGARY  (kardkovacsk@mnb.hu)

Dr. József MOLNÁR PhD, associate professor, Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, UKRAINE (jozsi@kmf.uz.uk)

Dr. Egon NAGY PhD, associate professor, Babes-Bólyai University, ROMANIA ( negon1@yahoo.com)

Prof. Dr. Imre NAGY CSc, professor, Újvidéki Egyetem, SERBIA (nagy.imre@krtk.hu)

Dr. Zoltán NAGY PhD, associate professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY  (nagy.zoltan@uni-miskolc.hu)

Dr. Gyula OCSKAY PhD, CESCI, HUNGARY (gyula.ocskay@cesci-net.eu)

Prof. Dr. Petro PERERVA, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, UKRAINE

Dr. Márton PÉTI PhD, Research Institute for National Strategy, HUNGARY  (marton.peti@nski.gov.hu)

Dr. Gyula PULAY PhD, State Audit Office of Hungary, HUNGARY  (szvpulay@uni-miskolc.hu)

Dr. Géza SALAMIN PhD, associate professor, Budapesti Corvinus University, HUNGARY  (salamingeza@gmail.com)

Dr. Géza SEBESTYÉN PhD, associate professor, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem; Mathias Corvinus Collegium, HUNGARY (geza.sebestyen@uni-corvinus.hu) 

Prof. Dr. Tamás SIKOS T. DSc, professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY  (sikos.t.tamas@uni-miskolc.hu)

Dr. habil. Ladislav SUHÁNYI Ph.D, professor, Univeristy of Presov, SLOVAKIA (ladislav.suhanyi@unipo.sk)

Dr. Ferenc SZILÁGYI Ph.D, associate professor, Partium Christian University, ROMANIA (ferenc.szilagyi@partium.ro)

Dr. Ibolya TÖRÖK PhD, associate professor, Babes-Bólyai University, ROMANIA (ibolya.torok@ubbcluj.ro)

Prof. Dr. Géza TÓTH DSc, Central Statistical Office, HUNGARY  (Geza.Toth@ksh.hu)

Dr. Norbert VARGA PhD, associate professor, University of Sopron, HUNGARY (varga.norbert@uni-sopron.hu)

Prof. Dr. Mariann VERESNÉ SOMOSI CSc, professor, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY (szvvsm@uni-miskolc.hu)


International Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. József Benedek, Babes-Bolyai Unversity, Romania

Prof. Dr. Jerzy Bański, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Prof. Dr. Tomasz Komornicki, Head of Department, Department of Spatial Organization, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Acedemy of Sciences, Poland

Prof. em. Dr. Doris Wastl-Walter, Professorin Emerita, Institute of Geography, Kulturgeographie, University of Bern, Swiss

Prof. Dr. George Abonyi, Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Professor, Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Prof. Dr. James Wesley Scott, University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu, Finland, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


IT manager and technical editor:

Dániel OROSZ, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY  (regorosz@uni-miskolc.hu)

Nóra PÁCZELT, University of Miskolc, HUNGARY (nora.paczelt@uni-miskolc.hu)

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