The population change of the city network of Vojvodina in the early 2020s


  • Péter Reményi Pécsi Tudományegyetem TTK FFI Politikai Földrajzi, Fejlődési és Regionális Tanulmányok Tanszéke



urban network, population


Vojvodina Autonomous Region has been a multicultural frontier zone between Hungarian and Serbian ethnic and political landscapes for centuries. The multiple territorial changes during the 20th century influenced significantly – among others – the development of urban centers in Vojvodina. Currently serious demographic decline characterizes the northern Serbian province, similar to what can be observed throughout the region. Both low fertility rates and a negative migration balance contribute to the substantial decrease of population which is among the most important factors affecting the recent development trends of urban areas. The urban network of Vojvodina has been characterized by population decline and increasing monocentricity over the last decade. These processes have influenced the municipalities of the province differently. 2022 census data is used to illustrate the growing importance of Novi Sad and changes in the urban network, where Subotica and the Tisza region are losing further ground to the agglomeration of Novi Sad and the Novi Sad-Beograd axis. Furthermore, quantitative analysis is used to describe the spatial patterns of population decline, where borderside regions, as well as municipalities with higher ethnic Hungarian population are declining with a faster rate. In the former it is the consequence of an unfavorable location while at the latter the ageing of Hungarian population.

Author Biography

Péter Reményi, Pécsi Tudományegyetem TTK FFI Politikai Földrajzi, Fejlődési és Regionális Tanulmányok Tanszéke




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How to Cite

Péter, R. (2023). The population change of the city network of Vojvodina in the early 2020s. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(3), 22–34.