The role of tourism in the rural development of Vojvodina


  • Lukrécia Győri University of Novi Sad
  • Imre Nagy University of Novi Sad



Vojvodina, rural development, rural areas, tourism


The study aims to demonstrate the growing role and impact of tourism in the development of the rural areas, peripheries and inner peripheries of Vojvodina, relying on local resources but applying the latest tourism techniques and methods. The goal of rural development as a result of tourism development is to reduce poverty, to stimulate broad, balanced development and
development, job creation, return from the city to the countryside, and migration. This includes the appreciation of the role of local products, the close cooperation of local producers and caterers in the closed use of the food chain, including the need for food safety. The study also wants to point out the importance of the complementary nature of the tourism sectors already
present in the countryside (hunting, wine and gastro tourism, balneo tourism, etc.). In the first part of the analysis, it refers to the place of tourism in Vojvodina in the overall structure of tourism in the regions of Serbia, the main sectors and destinations of rural tourism, and the receptiveness of tourism, accommodation capacity, and the recent results of the sector. In the second part, we describe the most important directions and guidelines of the various national and regional strategies and international project concepts regarding the development of the sector. Some of the ideas of the outline of the latest such development program were also presented in this context.

Author Biographies

Lukrécia Győri, University of Novi Sad


Imre Nagy, University of Novi Sad

PhD, Professor

member, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Regional Studies


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How to Cite

Lukrécia, G., & Imre, N. (2023). The role of tourism in the rural development of Vojvodina. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(3), 54–67.