The role of European Union funds in the economic development of Vojvodina


  • András Ricz Hungarian Regional Scientific Association



Serbia, Voivodina, EU Funds, IPA


EU development funds have been available for Serbia since the mid 2000s. The northern province of Vojvodina takes a prominent part in drawing these subsidies, as its geographical location also predestines it, as it is surrounded by EU member states on three sides. In my study, I examined the cross-border programs provided for the most widely available non-profit
organizations, as well as the use of Ipard funds provided for agricultural producers, which are the only application opportunities in which profit-oriented organizations could also participate in. The cross-border funds were partly designed for economic development, but since not only organizations of economic subjects or other state institutions could receive support, the effects
of the funds for economic development are limited. The IPARD programs are constantly late due to the lack of the appropriate institutional system, the legal and human resources background, and due to the specific evaluation of the projects.
Vojvodina is at a disadvantage in the selection, therefore it was established that the European Union funds, regardless of the fact that in several cases economic development were paid out for the purpose, they did not bring the expected result, the foreign working capital arriving in the province, which also comes from the leading economies of the European Union, had a much more significant impact on economic development.

Author Biography

András Ricz, Hungarian Regional Scientific Association

Ph.D., Pro Regio Ltd., Subotica, Serbia


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How to Cite

András, R. (2023). The role of European Union funds in the economic development of Vojvodina. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(3), 68–79.