Metropolitan development in Serbia – Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Subotica positions


  • Szilárd Rácz Centre for Economic and Regional Studies



urbanization, urban development, Southeast Europe, Western Balkans, Serbia


The aim of the study is to review the development of the cities of Serbia in the post-Yugoslav period. In the introduction, the geographical location and geopolitical situation of Serbia will be presented, as well as the general development of the urban network and spatial structure of the Balkans in a historical context. Over the last three decades, the state structure of Serbia has undergone several fundamental transformations, which have had a significant impact on the development of cities. This is analysed in terms of the transformation of administrative and spatial characteristics. Finally, the development, economic and demographic processes of the five cities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Subotica are examined in detail.

Author Biography

Szilárd Rácz, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies



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How to Cite

Szilárd, R. (2023). Metropolitan development in Serbia – Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Subotica positions. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(3), 93–105.