Characteristics of the urban development and functional role of Novi Sad


  • Imre Nagy University of Novi Sad



Novi Sad, urban morphology, immigration, regional centre


Novi Sad in Serbia is one of the few European cities that entered the 21st century burdened withdramatic processes in the otherwise uneventful second half of the 20th century. The continuousdevelopment since the Middle Paleolithic and it grew from a small settlement in the 19th century to the center of the “Danube banovina” and then to the center of provincial administration and the region after World War II. After the stable growth, as a result of the influx of refugees from the Western Balkans, which was triggered by the military conflicts that led to the disintegration of the country at the end of the 20th century, its development and the fascination of its functional and regional role continue. The study outlines the development history of Novi Sad and, in addition to its spatial and morphological changes, the change in its functional and regional role, with particular regard to the developments of the 20th century and the trials of its development before the 21st century.
The center, administrative and cultural capital of the Vojvodina region, it has developed a significant zone attractive, which continues to expand with the development of modern roads and railways. In the development of the city, this requires further demographic growth, housing construction and infrastructural development.

Author Biography

Imre Nagy, University of Novi Sad

PhD, Professor

co-researcher, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies



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How to Cite

Imre, N. (2023). Characteristics of the urban development and functional role of Novi Sad. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(3), 106–121.