Possibilities of forming health care clusters in the region of Northern Hungary


  • György Kocziszky University of Miskolc




The first rudimentary forms of clusters appeared in Hungary only in the early 1990s; with adelay of over two decades as compared to the practice in western Europe, which can be largely accounted for by the fact that the overwhelming majority of Hungarian micro- small and medium-sized enterprises were only established in the late 1980s and early 1990s (following the collapse and privatisation of large-scale industry). The newly established (often forced) enterprises, however, have often been averse to any form of cooperation, therefore the recognition of the necessity of network cooperation and its unavoidability have become or will become evident only much later.

The paper examines the possibilities for health care clusters in northern Hungary. It analyses the conditions offered by the region (natural potentialities and conditions, labour potentials, the infrastructure, R&D and education and training potentials, the entrepreneurial structure),the external conditions for forming clusters, and the cooperation willingness of potential partners.
As the result of the research, the author outlines the potential functions of health care clusters; the legal and organisational forms. The author also offers proposals for regional level programs promoting cluster formation (PR/marketing programs providing the organisational/operational conditions and supporting cooperation).

Author Biography

György Kocziszky, University of Miskolc

Professor, Department of Regional Economics



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How to Cite

György, K. (2004). Possibilities of forming health care clusters in the region of Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 1(02), 3–31. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/2533