Chances of Hungarian-Slovakian Cross-Border Relations


  • István Mezei MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja Észak-magyarországi Osztálya




In my thesis I introduce the international economic processes which have imposed new market procedures on the peoples of the Carpathian Basin, breaking the former unit of labour division between new political borders. This was confirmed by Czech/Slovak politics which created a new and permanent labour division within the new borders, after 1920 on their own territories, and it was rather closed and not open to Hungary and the other parts of the Carpathian Basin.

This is the reason why the areas along the border remain peripheries in both countries (and why the zone along the Danube in Hungary remains a link to Western Europe without making the northern bank of the Danube its gravitation area), and these peripheries will always be obliged to implement certain developments with small funds gained from tenders of regional development but they will never reach the extent of the dynamics of the country. Therefore, in the future, a much smaller scale of controlled cross-border relations will mean the new form of cooperation.

Author Biography

István Mezei, MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja Észak-magyarországi Osztálya

geográfus, Ph.D, MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja Északmagyarországi Osztálya tudományos munkatársa


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How to Cite

István, M. (2005). Chances of Hungarian-Slovakian Cross-Border Relations. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 2(01), 3–21. Retrieved from