Comparative social geographical studies of four European border regions


  • Judit Molnár University of Miskolc




Objectives of the research:

  1. to compare the characteristics of four border regions, namely the Ukrainian -Hungarian, Slovakian-Hungarian, Austrian-Hungarian and Irish - Northern-Irish ones and to synthesize the results.
  2. to identify the main factors having an effect on the social, economic and political relations across these borders.

It was found that the main factors affecting the border area: Permeability of the frontier depends on the political situation, presence of checkpoints on the border (difficulty or perceived difficulty in crossing, militarization, etc.). Legal border crossing was more frequent when there were close familial relationships between people living on two sides of the border. The intensity of illegal border crossing depended on the economic and political situation. Where there is a big difference in the price of certain goods between the two countries some inhabitants try to exploit this. The findings suggest another main factor of border life and contact is whether the area is rural or urban. It appeared to be easier to build cross border relationships in urban areas.


Author Biography

Judit Molnár , University of Miskolc

Assistant Professor, Deaprtment of Social Geography, University of Miskolc


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How to Cite

Judit, M. (2005). Comparative social geographical studies of four European border regions. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 2(01), 22–35. Retrieved from