KÖZTÉRKÉP: Presentation of characteristics in public administration and regional development in order to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Hungary


  • Éva G. Fekete




The North Hungarian Regional Development Agency (NORDA) and the Kassa District Regional Development Agency declared the launching of cross-border cooperation and the creation of services supporting the cooperation as their common objective in 2003. It was determined that the structures of public administration and regional development should be analyzed in the region of North Hungary and the neighbouring Slovakian counties of Kassa and Besztercebánya. The aim of the analyses was to provide information sufficient in quantity and quality for those interested. The survey covered six areas: public administration, regional development, tasks of the authorities, education, civil organizations, successful projects. This job was carried out by professionals of the two regions with the assistance and management of the Centre for Regional Studies North Hungarian Department. This study contains the comparison of structures in these two countries and the summary of the crucial conclusions. Comparing the possible areas of cooperation and the structures determining the framework of cooperation, it can be concluded that the structure of regional development objectives can be harmonized though cross-border cooperation is a more important priority in Hungary. Both countries consider employment, environment protection and the development of SMEs to be pivotal issues. Besides these, transportation and the improvement of the quality of life could be fields of cooperation. The actors of regional development are similar, but in Hungary the institutional structure is more differentiated. The professional background is developed in both countries with the difference that in Hungary several private experts work, while in Slovakia experts can be found primarily in public agencies. The plans and the planning process have a different significance - Slovakian plans also contain defined project ideas, in Hungary this approach has already lost its significance. The support and regulation needed for the realization of cooperation ideas became almost the same because of the EU membership, however, the complicatedness of the authorization process makes the assistance of a national expert indispensable. Information systems which help the process of regional development providing data and information, are established but their operation is far from perfect. Disseminating information at local level and the provision of interactivity are the biggest problems.

This study may establish a common programming process which makes local initiatives continuous, predictable and makes synergies completely utilizable. This process shall promote the creation of partnership relations among local development actors, establish the professional background needed for future common strategies and prepare the ground for making contacts and common projects.

The planning of cross-border cooperation and the realization of common projects shall become much easier and prompted because both countries are EU members. The geographical, historic, economic and social interdependence opens the gates for cooperation between South-East Slovakia and North Hungary.

Author Biography

Éva G. Fekete

Associate Professor, Department of Regional Economics, University of Miskolc






How to Cite

Éva, G. F. (2005). KÖZTÉRKÉP: Presentation of characteristics in public administration and regional development in order to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 2(01), 37–70. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/2552