Karst water potential of Bükk area – environmental tasks for long term utilization


  • László Lénárt University of Miskolc




The Bükk area is situated in Northern Hungary. Both underground and on the surface excellent water storing karstic rock massif can be found. The maximal value of dynamic karst water supply is approximately 40 million m3/day. The static cold and warm (tepid) karst water supply of the Bükk and its surrounding area is approximately 5*1011 m3. The cold and warm (tepid) karst water supply is one and unified, their research, exploitation and protection can be done only jointly. The karst water usage of Bükk and area is 25-28 million m3/year currently, of which the amount of thermal karst water (tepid and warm karst water) is 6-6,5 million m3/year. The karst water is mainly used for drinking, the thermal karst water is for bathing and medicine. As of today, the amount of precipitation fills up what is taken out by production. The main reason for this is the significant increase in the volume of precipitation, and the same time the significant decrease in production. The production of cold karst water is stable or decreasing, the production of thermal karst water is increasing. This current balance should be maintained. Any further additional karst water production in the Bükk area should be done only after tests proved it possible and maintainable for the long term.

Author Biography

László Lénárt, University of Miskolc

Assistant Professor, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, University of Miskolc


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How to Cite

László, L. (2006). Karst water potential of Bükk area – environmental tasks for long term utilization . Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 3(02), 17–28. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/2620