The situation of landfill sites in Northern Hungary and the technical solutions of the recultivation


  • Imre Szabó University of Miskolc
  • Attila Szabó University of Miskolc
  • Ivett Farkasné Czél University of Miskolc




During the last 15 years there have been a lot of significant changes in the field of Hungarian waste management, landfill-building and regulations of landfilling. From the year 2009 in the European Union member states will be allowed to operate only those landfills, which are built according to the European Union directives.

A Phare project was of assistance for Hungary for the investigation of municipal solid waste landfills objective. The project specialists mapped 2667 landfills during this nationwide survey of municipal solid waste landfills in 2002.

By the help of results of the survey, we concluded tasks in the field of waste deposition to apply to North-Hungarian area.


Author Biographies

Imre Szabó , University of Miskolc

Professor, Institute of Environmental Management, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Univeristy of Miskolc

Attila Szabó, University of Miskolc

engineer, Institute of Environmental Management, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, University of Miskolc

Ivett Farkasné Czél , University of Miskolc

Ph.D student, Institute of Environmental Management, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, University of Miskolc


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How to Cite

Imre, S. ., Attila, S., & Ivett, F. C. . (2006). The situation of landfill sites in Northern Hungary and the technical solutions of the recultivation. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 3(02), 60–78. Retrieved from