Supply and Demand in Innovation and R&D in the Region of Northern Hungary


  • Ildikó Kneisz University of Miskolc
  • Kornél Kalocsai NORDA
  • Viktória Józsa-Búzás Miskolc Holding Zrt.





Author Biographies

Ildikó Kneisz, University of Miskolc

Assistant lecturer, MSc., Miskolc University, Faculty of Economics, Department of World Economics

Kornél Kalocsai, NORDA

M.Sc., programme manager of Regional Development Agency of North Hungary, senior researcher at the Miskolc University, Department of World and Regional Economics

Viktória Józsa-Búzás, Miskolc Holding Zrt.

MSc., Head of Division for Economic Development in the Miskolc Holding Zrt., leading the Technopolis Miskolc Competitiveness Pole Office


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How to Cite

Kneisz, I., Kalocsai, K., & Józsa-Búzás, V. (2007). Supply and Demand in Innovation and R&D in the Region of Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 4(02), 133–146. Retrieved from