Employment Policy in Hungary, with special Regard to the Employment of the Old


  • Katalin Lipták University of Miskolc




In my paper I am going to examine the employment policy special regard to the employment of the old which is one of the most considerable social question of our days. The term employment policy is very often used even if it is rarely known what it exactly means. I am going to highlight and explain the meaning of this avoiding the potential misunderstanding. It is essential that everybody knows the importance of employment policy in the society, in the legal system and in the economy as well. I review the establishment of the European’s and the domestic employment strategies’ directions. The core of my research is made up of the analysis of the Hungarian recent employment lines and old aged people’s employment policy. I analyse in detail the employment of the old in Hungary.

Hungary still has an important lag comparing to the European Union’s average in employment. Our disadvantage is especially remarkable in the employment of the old. This is a stratum of the labour-market in unfavourable conditions. In my research I have focused on the employment of the old and I have revealed the programs and economic measures available for them.

Author Biography

Katalin Lipták, University of Miskolc

Ph.D student, Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc


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How to Cite

Lipták, K. (2009). Employment Policy in Hungary, with special Regard to the Employment of the Old. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 6(1), 3–15. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/2673