The Role of Tourism in North Hungary: the Relationship between the Labour Market and Macroeconomic Efficiency


  • Lóránt Dávid Károly Róbert College
  • Balázs Kovács Hungarian Tourism Ltd.
  • Géza Tóth Hungarian Central Statistical Office




When examining the characteristics of tourism in North Hungary one must not forget about the environment in which the phenomenon is embedded. The socio-economic environment has an impact on the quantity and quality of tourism in the same manner as tourism has an influence on its environment. Therefore there is a strong correlation between tourism and the settlements it takes place in. it means that tourism revenues are retained by the inhabitants of the settlements, nevertheless the obligation (of the state) in connection with tourism are the responsibility of the county. Consequently we decided to carry out micro-region examinations since it is situated between the two layers thus it makes the local examination of tourism possible and at the same time it also enables us to use integrated socio-economic indicators. The micro-region level could provide a more differentiated description for the county and the regional tourism development and could also help to better understand tourism in North Hungary and may facilitate the development of more efficient action plans. In this part the relationship between tourism and demographic-, economic-, and social variable groups in North Hungary have been examined in detailed micro-region level. Altogether 34 variables have been used to analyse the period between 2001 and 2006. One of our methods is factor-analysis which enabled us to reduce the number of variables in a way that we were still able to retain relevant information. Loglinear modelling was also used to analyse interactions between the criteria. We have demonstrated that only by radical changes could the current trends in human resource development be altered while the new challenger require entirely new training methods to enable the tourism sector to be bale to live up to the requirements of the challenges of the labour market in the 21st century.

Author Biographies

Lóránt Dávid, Károly Róbert College


Balázs Kovács, Hungarian Tourism Ltd.

Head of Foreign Representation

Géza Tóth, Hungarian Central Statistical Office



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How to Cite

Dávid, L., Kovács, B., & Tóth, G. (2009). The Role of Tourism in North Hungary: the Relationship between the Labour Market and Macroeconomic Efficiency. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 6(1), 16–27. Retrieved from