Workers’ motivation variations according to time and space


  • Éva G. Fekete University of Miskolc
  • Gábor Osgyáni Edelény Small Region Multipurpose Association




The main objective of the research conducted with the support of the National Employment Foundation (OFA) in the MTA Regional Research Center is to map up workers’ motivation variations according to time as space as an obstacle to employment, additionally to define measures that could strengthen motivation.
Workers’ motivation depends basically on so-called “objective” factors, such as demographic and social situation of the worker that determines his labour market potential, the available job’s characteristics, expected remuneration. The worker decides to take or to refuse a job offer depending on these factors, the fact that he is well-informed or not, plus his internal
According to our research, these “objective” factors unfavourably influence the positive outcome of the worker’s consideration. In the current circumstances it is a quite reasonable consequence that unemployed and inactive workers remain reluctant to get employed or decide on getting engaged in undeclared jobs. Job motivations (subjective factors) are mainly composed
of needs, habits, external expectations and emotions associated to former experiences. Our research underpinned our preliminary assumption that measures that facilitate employment growth by involving unemployed and inactive workers who are the most important actors in thisprocess are as follows:
a) instead of public work, providing jobs that ensure security, predictability, clear rules, gradually growing requirements and jobs that are of high value for the society.
b) socialization of students to work by school and summer works programmes. Enlarging summer student job availabilities. Paying greater attention to the socializing role of onthe-job training programs.

c) PR campaigns to disseminate models of successful worker behavior, breakthrough options.
d) Involving the most disadvantaged individuals in networks
e) Providing sense of triumph, and thus increasing self-confidence of individuals in the field of work by setting attainable tailor-made goals, gradually growing requirements, continuous “learning by doing” trainings with a mentor’s support.
The aforementioned recommendations could be more easily implemented if a solid social economy could underpin the initiative.
The research is justified by the current political endeavour to improve employment rates. Results could be well deployed in employment policy-making or for preparing employment programs.

Author Biographies

Éva G. Fekete, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics

Gábor Osgyáni, Edelény Small Region Multipurpose Association



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How to Cite

G. Fekete, Éva, & Osgyáni, G. (2009). Workers’ motivation variations according to time and space . Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 6(1), 38–64. Retrieved from