

  • Kocziszky György University of Miskolc




This is not the first time that the region of Northern Hungary has experienced a crisis in its history of the modern age. The modification of the borders following World War I, the collapse of the conditions after World War II, and then the changes in the economic structure after 1989 (1989/1990) all resulted in serious problems. The population lost or depleted their scanty reserves, the previous points of orientation ceased to exist and the people saw their illusions going up in thin air.
A somewhat similar situation developed in the second half of 2008.

While politicians of the economy carry on polemics as to what global economic, national economic or local causes the decline in the performance of the region of Northern Hungary, which is deeper than the national average, can be derived from, this is almost irrelevant for the actors in the economy and labour market of the region. The consequences are severe in any case. The crisis has put the theories belonging to the mainstream of economic thinking also to the test. It is hardly possible to avoid acknowledging that the neo-liberal economic policy of believing in the omnipotence of the market has failed. The crisis has again drawn attention to the importance of measures and institutions supporting the market (which does not necessarily mean
more regulations, but does mean more efficient regulations and more accurate exploration of the impact mechanisms, etc.).
In this light the questions arise whether there exists a chance to implement them under the present social and economic conditions and whether they assist or slow down a renewal of the crisis. The expert opinions are clear: there is a scenario which can overcome the difficulties, however, it is has to be accompanied by a moral revival.

It follows from this view that issue No 2 of year VI of our journal will be devoted to this topic.

Author Biography

Kocziszky György, University of Miskolc

Professor, Head of Institute of World and Regional Economics





How to Cite

Kocziszky, G. (2009). Preface. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 6(02), 3. Retrieved from