A Crisis of Vocational Training? Contributions on the Basis of Students Studying in the Region of Northern Hungary


  • Ildikó Győrffy University of Miskolc
  • Judit Roncz University of Miskolc


vocational training, competitiveness, crisis


A survey conducted among students and the management of institutions involved in vocational training has revealed that the current situation of vocational training is in need of considerable transformation. Significant objectives include the modernisation of the training, making the theory-centred training more practice-oriented, and ensuring a more intensive cooperation between the schools and the external places of practical training. This requires the establishment of a network interested in vocational training (e.g. chamber, local government, job centre, and institutions of vocational training) which will perform actual coordination, interest reconciliation and intermediary functions in order to make vocational training more efficient.
Tasks of outstanding significance include creating greater harmony between the demand of the economy and the structure of vocational training and restoring the social prestige of vocational training, where external places of training and entrepreneurs will obtain significant roles.
In processing the questionnaires the authors encountered in several cases the problem that students do not spend a significant part of their placement period by doing relevant vocational work or do not feel that their work is appreciated, which is also reflected in the financial or other remuneration received. The physical equipment of the places of training proved to be sufficient in general, but continuous up-dating and improvement is asked for both by students and the management. The lack of flexibility in working hours, frequent overtime or work at the weekend also emerged as a frequent problem, which, in addition to the above, can also contribute to a worsening of the atmosphere at the workplace and making the acquisition of the vocation more difficult.
The global indices of the schools suggest that the majority of the students evaluate on the whole the working conditions for learning the vocation as having a medium standard. In the light of the problems explored during the survey, a more efficient coordination of the organisation of vocational training is justified in order for the students to be more satisfied with their working conditions and to see their future professional perspectives more optimistically.

Author Biographies

Ildikó Győrffy, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer, Institute of World and Regional Economics

Judit Roncz, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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How to Cite

Győrffy, I., & Roncz, J. (2009). A Crisis of Vocational Training? Contributions on the Basis of Students Studying in the Region of Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 6(02), 108–120. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/2775