Analysis of the Innovation Capacity at Small Region Level. A Comparison of the Regions of the Southern Hungarian Plain and Northern Hungary


  • Zoltán Bajmócy University of Szeged
  • Izabella Szakálné Kanó University of Szeged


innovation, small region, factor analysis


The paper analyses the innovation capacity of the regions of the Southern Hungarian Plain and Northern Hungary at aggregate small region level in a national comparison. Starting from the theory of innovation systems, it aims at capturing the efficiency of innovation systems at small region level. Multi-variable statistical methods were employed to develop the index of ‘Small Region Innovation Capacity’ (with the Hungarian abbreviation KIK-index) capturing the complexity of the innovation capacity: the four sub-indices measuring the fundamental elements of the innovation system, and the ten factors capable of capturing their underlying processes and thus the specifics of the regions. The analyses demonstrate that the regions do not form an organic unity in terms of innovation capacity, in reality they are a set of small regions having individual characteristics and not connected to each other in this sense.

Author Biographies

Zoltán Bajmócy, University of Szeged

Assistant Professor, Institute of Economics and Economic Development

Izabella Szakálné Kanó, University of Szeged

Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Economics and Economic Development


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How to Cite

Bajmócy, Z., & Szakálné Kanó, I. (2010). Analysis of the Innovation Capacity at Small Region Level. A Comparison of the Regions of the Southern Hungarian Plain and Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 7(01), 36–46. Retrieved from