Contributions to Exploring the System of Relations between the Performance of the Economy and Poverty


  • Eszter Siposné Nándori University of Miskolc


poverty, economic growth, Northern Hungary, Southern Great Plain


Although there is no comprehensive information available on the social impact of the global crisis going on since October 2008, it is certain that economic decline, decrease in real income, large-scale cuts in jobs and rocketing instalments have made the lives of many people significantly harder. We know even less today about how the crisis and its consequences affect the most exposed groups of the society lacking cultural and economic capital in Hungary.

Author Biography

Eszter Siposné Nándori, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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How to Cite

Siposné Nándori, E. (2010). Contributions to Exploring the System of Relations between the Performance of the Economy and Poverty. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 7(01), 56–70. Retrieved from