Attempt for pointed support in Small Regions (SR) of Most Serious Disadvantage (MSD) and first experiences in Northern Hungary


  • Ádám Kullmann Open Society Institute
  • Frigyes Janza
  • Béla Herczeg National Development Agency


disadvantaged areas, integrated development


Peculiar attempt is performed in the SR of MSD aiming at - acc. to the authors - novel application of EU-supports taking the requirement of SR into account in higher degree than before. Authors, personally participating in control of MSD-program, survey the activity of regions of MSD in the previous developing programs and confirm the necessity of aspects coming across in distribution of development sources as well as of introduction of a new method of utilization. Furthermore they present the essence of distribution system based on SR programing and the start of the program. As summing up an independent evaluation is cited „utilization of comlex programs for area development beside regions of MSD are justified also in respect of all SR, since instead of competitions the development programs can be sustained more effectively.”

Author Biographies

Ádám Kullmann, Open Society Institute

economist, consultant

Frigyes Janza


Béla Herczeg, National Development Agency

sociologist, project manager


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How to Cite

Kullmann, Ádám, Janza, F., & Herczeg, B. (2010). Attempt for pointed support in Small Regions (SR) of Most Serious Disadvantage (MSD) and first experiences in Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 7(02), 3–20. Retrieved from