Supplement to the evaluation of Nógrád County’s economic-social trends after the transformation of the social regime


  • Ottó Baráthi


regional processes, economic decline, unemployment


Economic decline of the County began in the 1980s, from the 1990s it was „only” continued due to the low production output of the manufacturing sector. According to the main statistical index-numbers Nógrád has lost its previous average position. Economic structure made a spontaneous move towards the service sector, while its product structure was not modernized up to the expected extent.
Transport infrastructure is not satisfactory, capability of attraction of capital and intention for entrepreneurship are of low level. Degree of supply of public utilities has improved, trade supply and education can be evaluated as good, tourism and catering show a good progress, the health sector is underfinanced, cultural life is event-based. Living conditions have not improved, unemployment proves to be lasting.
Nógrád County will hardly get out of this situation unaided. Bridging the gap can be realised only in the long run even with governmental financial support to be spent more effectively than before, with modern methods of economic recostruction and job creation (innovation, cooperation, clusters, etc.) and with the concentration of forces.

Author Biography

Ottó Baráthi

retired economist, doctor of economics, environmental manager, journalist


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How to Cite

Baráthi, O. (2010). Supplement to the evaluation of Nógrád County’s economic-social trends after the transformation of the social regime . Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 7(02), 37–51. Retrieved from