Formulation of the Slovak national narrative and its Slovak-Hungarian constellation


  • Teodor Gyelník UPS-CESCI Research Group of Cross-Border Cooperation



nation, nationalism, identity


National and collective identity research allows us to understand the formation of national identity. It supports us to comprehend the linkage between past-present and the silhouette of the possible future. Analysis of the Slovak identity formation, national logics, identity-framing, boundary structures and its call for a more cooperative understanding of identity might lead to an environment enabling successful cooperation and cross-border interactions with Hungary.

Author Biography

Teodor Gyelník, UPS-CESCI Research Group of Cross-Border Cooperation

Scientific Member of CESCI,

Researcher of the UPS-CESCI Research Group of Cross-Border


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How to Cite

Gyelník, T. . (2023). Formulation of the Slovak national narrative and its Slovak-Hungarian constellation. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 20(04), 52–60.