Northern Hungary in changing Central European transport space


  • Tibor Tiner Hungarian Academy of Sciences Geographical Research Institue


transport network, regional development


The structure and the shape of basic transport network of Northern Hungary fit to the highly monocentric transport network of the country centered to Budapest. In the heart of its east-west oriented transportation axes (M3 and M30 motorways, double tracked electrified railway line) run along the southern edge of the macroregion. This magistral connects Northern Hungary with two macroregions (Central Hungary and the North Hungarian Plain), whilst at the same time providing connections between the northeastern peripheries of the Carpathian Basin. In the late 2000s the economic devaluation of more macroregions of Central Europe (Northern Hungary, Eastern-Slovakia, Transcarpathian region in Ukraine) are represented by declining transit role both in passenger and freight traffic. Missing of many bridges over the border river (Ipel’) between Hungary and Slovakia, the closing down of more secondary railway lines in 2007 and the economic crisis burst out in the end of 2008 all contribute the polarization of traffic flow towards the chain of towns situated along the motorways. This phenomenon strengthens the influence of Central Hungary and Budapest on the south-western and south stripes of the region. Parallel to it regions and settlements being far from larger settlements and trunk roads more than 25 kms, rather fall into depression

Author Biography

Tibor Tiner, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Geographical Research Institue



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How to Cite

Tibor, T. (2024). Northern Hungary in changing Central European transport space. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 8(01), 5–17. Retrieved from