Benefit-based accessibility models and reality


  • Géza Tóth Károly Róbert College


accessibility, benefit, internal migration


The aim of our study was to ascertain how the internal migration in Hungary reflect the the utility based accessibility and how they differ from each other, what major trends can be detected? Before testing our hypothesis was that in Hungary the internal migration is especially in connection with the conditions of economic development.

This initial hypothesis was confirmed, since it seems clear link between the Hungarian internal migration and utility-based accessibility, that’s mean that  the driving force in our country's internal migration is clearly linked to economic reasons.

Author Biography

Géza Tóth, Károly Róbert College

Scientific Researcher, Department of Tourism and Regional Development

Chief advisor, Hunagrian Central Statistical Office


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How to Cite

Géza, T. (2024). Benefit-based accessibility models and reality. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 8(01), 31–37. Retrieved from