Contributions to the issue of regional economic growth and equilibrium


  • György Kocziszky University of Miskolc


regional politics, regional development, regional equilibrium, regional sustainability


The geopolitical reverse after 1989 (like in other post socialist countries) has induced several positive and negative social and economic changes in Hungary. Maybe the most depressing one out of the latter ones is that economic growth has not been able to create sustainable equilibrium economic growth either on the short, or on the long run, and to handle the problems resulting from the lack of it. Inside and outside (macro and mezzo level) imbalance can generate severe stress.

The paper tries to reveal the role of regional policy in the creation of local and areal economic equilibrium and to start relative convergence.

Author Biography

György Kocziszky, University of Miskolc

CSc, Professor, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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How to Cite

György, K. (2011). Contributions to the issue of regional economic growth and equilibrium. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 8(2), 5–14. Retrieved from