Domestic clearing in the past one and a half decades


  • Levente Kovács University of Miskolc
  • Zsolt Pál University of Miskolc


clearing, money, transfer, ACH, GIRO


The past one and a half decades have been of decisive importance in the formation and development of clearing service, which is one of the most important background systems serving as the base of the economy. The period since November 1994 is the period of automatic clearing in Hungary, which has been characterized by balanced operation, continuous development and more or less unbroken expansion of turnover. The paper presents the events of this period, the changes – probably of great effect - of the present and the near future.

Author Biographies

Levente Kovács, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of World and Regional Economics

Zsolt Pál, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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Esetenként külön hivatkozások nélkül felhasznált irodalmak

Kovács, L. (2010). Az európai pénz- és elszámolásforgalom jövője, Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem.

BISZ Zrt. Éves jelentései 2005-2010.

GIRO Rt./Zrt. Éves Jelentései 1995-2010.

GIRO Rt./Zrt. elszámolásforgalmi anyagai.




How to Cite

Levente, K., & Zsolt, P. (2011). Domestic clearing in the past one and a half decades. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 8(2), 15–29. Retrieved from