Spatial Effects of Industrial Restructuring in the Visegrád Countries


  • Dániel Kuttor University of Miskolc


Visegrad countries, industrial restructuring, spatial economy


During the transition period the Visegrád Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) had to be integrated not only into the international political, legal, defence systems, but also the European and global production structures, chains. This rapid integration (or rather reintegration) process made significant effects on the production activities, which influenced the role of industry in the national economies, the structural distribution, the environmental emission and the geographical extent.

Author Biography

Dániel Kuttor, University of Miskolc

PhD., Associate Professor, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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Az EU Statisztikai Hivatalának honlapja:

A World Bank (Világbank) honlapja:

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How to Cite

Dániel, K. (2011). Spatial Effects of Industrial Restructuring in the Visegrád Countries. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 8(2), 94–103. Retrieved from