Main cooperation aspects of Croatian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation – case studies of Barcs és Zala counties


  • Lóránt Bali Pannon University


Croatian-Hungarian-Slovenian triple border, Barcs, cross-border relations


Until the dictates of the Treaty of Trianon, our country and our neighbour to the south was only separated by an administrative border. Between the two World Wars, the transit and the economic co-operation was unimpeded. It was common that the citizens of the neighbouring country owned a significant amount of land across the border. This has changed significantly during state socialism. The hostile relationship in the fifties was followed by the resumption of cooperation in the sixties, which manifested primarily in agriculture and trade. The civil war after the system change stopped the preferred tendencies for a short period of time, and it happened only after the turn of the Millennium, with our approximation to the EU, then with the Hungarian accession that the cooperation gained new momentum. In the paper, two case studies are presented; one about Barcs and one about the Croatian-Hungarian-Slovenian triple border in order to introduce the features of the borderlines and their future development opportunities, which will require the accession of Croatia to the EU and to the Schengen zone.

Author Biography

Lóránt Bali, Pannon University

PhD, Georgikon Faculty, Department of Business Economics and Rural Development


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How to Cite

Bali, L. (2012). Main cooperation aspects of Croatian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation – case studies of Barcs és Zala counties. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(01), 43–55. Retrieved from