“Natural values of Szatmár-Bereg plain” – Plan to establish an international Biosphere Programme


  • Szabolcs Szanyi University of Debrecen


Beregi Plain, Kaszonyi Hill, Lónya Forest, Nagydobronyi Wildlife Reserve, Salánki Forest, Biosphere Reserve


The Szatmár-Bereg plain includes neighbouring territories of three countries, representing a transitional belt between the biogeographical regions of the Carpathians and Pannonian lowland. According to recent floristic and faunistic surveys, it exhibits an outstanding level of biotic and landscape diversity. Its scientifically valuable nature-like core areas should be protected together with the conservation of the surrounding traditional mosaic landscape matrix. The planned habitat conservation network can be optimally implemented in frames of a Biosphere Reserve. The potential core areas together with their buffer zones are listed in both Hungarian and Ukranian sides of the Szatmár-Bereg plain.

Author Biography

Szabolcs Szanyi, University of Debrecen

PhD student, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology


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How to Cite

Szanyi, S. (2012). “Natural values of Szatmár-Bereg plain” – Plan to establish an international Biosphere Programme. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(01), 56–64. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3032