The effects of cross-border programmes on the regional development of Vojvodina – further development potential of spatial cooperation based on them


  • András Ricz Regional Science Society (Subotica)


Vojvodina, cross-border subsidies, regional development


The opportunities for allocating EU resources as development funds in Serbia, and especially in Vojvodina have become available since about 2005. So far these have been opportunities that enabled realisation of programs and projects with cross-border effects in neighbouring countries.

The term of border is defined and the effects of previous cross-border programs are examined in the study. Based on them, it can be ascertained that Serbia and especially Vojvodina are still not properly prepared for utilising development funds from the European Union.

From the analysis of the projects, it is highlighted that realised cross-border programs are mostly from the soft fields – human resources, contacts and projects of economic character – while the development of infrastructure is played down. Certain realised projects mainly support the progress of local micro communities, especially emphasising the development of human resources in rural areas.

Author Biography

András Ricz, Regional Science Society (Subotica)

PhD student, economic agricultural engineer, Regional Science Society, Subotica


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How to Cite

Ricz, A. (2012). The effects of cross-border programmes on the regional development of Vojvodina – further development potential of spatial cooperation based on them. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(01), 90–103. Retrieved from