The prospects of reindustrialisation: Development cooperation on the periphery


  • Gábor Lux Centre of Regional Researches for MTA


industry, tertierisation, structural change, reindustrialisation, core-periphery


The core–periphery relationship of the world economy carries wide implications for the development of different economic sectors in Central European economies. In the absence of large metropolitan spaces outside capital regions, economic differentiation is mainly tied to the unequal distribution of industrial production, particularly in the Visegrad countries. The consequences of post-socialism, as well as the current, “long” crisis both point towards a need for new reindustrialisation policies in non-capital regions. In order to satisfy both the requirements of Foreign Direct Investment and encourage the mobilisation of endogenous resources, the main subject of intervention should be the complex factor supply of the target (city) regions, implying an agenda for both economic and social policy. Resource concentration in the frame of cluster-building, and the regeneration of social, relational and knowledge capital should take precedence. In an environment of weak local institutions and persistent capital scarcity, the institutional solution for implementing an effective reindustrialisation should hinge on local, bottom-up development cooperation, where chambers of industry and commerce may serve as the lynchpin of concerted action to integrate and articulate a diverse set of economic interests.

Author Biography

Gábor Lux, Centre of Regional Researches for MTA

PhD, researcher, Centre of Regional Researches for Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Regional Researches


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How to Cite

Lux, G. (2013). The prospects of reindustrialisation: Development cooperation on the periphery. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(01), 4–13. Retrieved from