The way to utilise the abandoned mineral areas in Northern Hungary


  • Beáta Siskáné Szilasi University of Miskolc
  • Lajos Szalontai University of Miskolc
  • János Vágó


ormer mineral areas, social geography, brownfield investment, renewable energy


In the evolution and development of a settlement mining activity has always been/played an important role. The main changes can be measured through the number of inhabitants, in the number of residential buildings and also on the field of commercial infrastructure.

When a mine closure happened, then the settlement had to suit to/adapt the new situation. The quality of life of the inhabitants and the details of the settlement has changed thanks to a mine shutdown. Due to these facts the former leader settlements have lost their leader position and the economical and human geographical configuration changed proportionally with them. 

The most important changes are the following: weakening of the transportation connections, weakening of the spending power, decreasing and senescent population, increasing unemployment rate, migration of the young and qualified (labour) workforce and the change or pinch of the existing work opportunities. 

In the future we would like to determinate a new complex index, namely the Factor of the Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Areas (FESDA).

On the whole, the basis of a touristic or any other (energy efficiency, renewable energy) development of these former mining areas/settlements are at our disposal, but a comprehensive developmental plan is required to reach that the settlements and their inhabitants could make profit of their resources.

Author Biographies

Beáta Siskáné Szilasi, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography

Lajos Szalontai, University of Miskolc

Research assistant, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Georgraphy

János Vágó

PhD, Research assistant, Faculty of Earth Scicences, Institute of Geography


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How to Cite

Siskáné Szilasi, B., Szalontai, L., & Vágó, J. (2013). The way to utilise the abandoned mineral areas in Northern Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(01), 26–36. Retrieved from