Chances of development concerning the brownfield of the Diósgyőr ironwork factory


  • Judit Dobák University of Miskolc


industry, industrial history, metallurgy, protection of industrial heritage, brownfield development, crisis management


The fate of the metallurgy in Diósgyőr has already been defined by the Trianon decision. The reasons for having a metallurgical factory ceased to exist, the continuous operation of the factory was threatened by the new geographical and geopolitical circumstances.The war and later on the Soviet era provided some opportunities for the metallurgy in Diósgyőr, but, by the end of these the crisis became unmanageable. The applied crisis management techniques were not in-time and sufficient, therefore an area of social and economic deprivation has formed. The 150 years of the metallurgy in Diósgyőr represents all the problems that are existent in today's development and crisis management. The article focuses on the processes that need to be changed in order to achieve positive development. It also argues that, by careful planning, the land waiting for re-cultivation can serve the needs of our times.

Author Biography

Judit Dobák, University of Miskolc

PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Cultural and Visual Anthropology


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How to Cite

Dobák, J. (2013). Chances of development concerning the brownfield of the Diósgyőr ironwork factory. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(01), 37–48. Retrieved from