The analysis of the labour market depression of the brownfield in the area of the iron factory in Miskolc


  • Zsuzsanna Dabasi Halász University of Miskolc


labour market, employment relations, social condition, lagging area


Today, there is not any complex, new track setting strategy in our country which combines environment recultivation with social aspects. In Hungary, an increasing proportion of children live in disadvantaged families, residential communities, run-down areas, depressed and stress zones. One reason for the formation of these areas in Hungary is the absence of the revitalization after the degradation of the socialist heavy industry. For the rehabilitation of the North Hungarian Region complex environmental, economic and social strategy is essential in which the strengthening of civil society organizations, government intervention, targeted development concept, a new definition of the functions and the reindustrialization have a central task. 

Author Biography

Zsuzsanna Dabasi Halász, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Institute of World and Regional Economics


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How to Cite

Dabasi Halász, Z. (2013). The analysis of the labour market depression of the brownfield in the area of the iron factory in Miskolc. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(01), 49–56. Retrieved from