In the wake of fleeting industry in Miskolc. Contribution to reveal the labour market problems of brownfield areas


  • Kinga Fekszi University of Miskolc


brownfield, unemployment, desindustrialisation, migration, social problems


The paper aims at contributing to reveal the labour market depression of the brownfields in Miskolc. I examine the economic and social situation after the end of communism in Diósgyőr with a deep interview, with special regard to the effects of structural change line unemployment, migration and the deepening of social problems. Moreover, I deal with the deterioration of the industry in Diósgyőr.

Author Biography

Kinga Fekszi, University of Miskolc

university student, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Fekszi, K. (2013). In the wake of fleeting industry in Miskolc. Contribution to reveal the labour market problems of brownfield areas. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(01), 57–62. Retrieved from