Employment expansion in the local primary labour market


  • Éva G. Fekete University of Miskolc


local economic development, employment


Globalisation of nowadays has strengthened the appreciation of the formerly attenuated role of locality in territorial development. To think “glocally”, it is inevitable to get to know locality deeperly that encompass the members of the society directly and that determines the framework of our everyday activities. Moreover, it is also necessary to get to know deeperly how locality is related to globalisation, to review our local possibilities and to prepare for their exploitation. The expansion of employment can basically be promoted in three areas: with the strengthening of local – mainly small – enterprises, with the public employment realised by the state and the municipalities and by the social enterprises of social economy. The study deals with the first one, i.e. with the employment expansion realised by the enterprises of the local economy.

Author Biography

Éva G. Fekete, University of Miskolc



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How to Cite

G. Fekete, Éva. (2013). Employment expansion in the local primary labour market. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(02), 70–81. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3125