Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises: A case study in Slovakia


  • Iveta Korobaničová Technical University of Košice


small and medium enterprises, marketing principles, marketing communication, consumer’s behaviour


The position of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in global environment is inevitable and extremely important because of their significant contribution to the economic development. In recent competitive market society, the application of marketing principles is one of the fundamental preconditions of its success. Today, marketing must be understood as means of satisfying customer’s needs. The author tries to emphasize these aspects by analysing of customer’s behaviour in the Slovak Republic and by the process of implementing the marketing principles into the company policy. 

Author Biography

Iveta Korobaničová, Technical University of Košice

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Korobaničová, I. (2013). Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises: A case study in Slovakia. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(02), 82–89. Retrieved from