Handing over the baton: new generations in the workplaces


  • Laura Czifra Szent István University
  • Aranka Mészáros Szent István University


generations, career management, reorganization of working hours, communication


The topic of generations has been increasingly highlighted either in workplaces or in the private sector. Generations have always been different from each other. Researchers, however, have found out that young generations of nowadays are different from the older generations in several aspects. As a result of the social, welfare and economic changes of the 1990s, the youth have new habits, circumstances and conditions and therefore their needs have changed as well. An HR specialist has to ensure certain HR functions for the employee. Career management and the development of labour force have become increasingly important. Within an organisation, each generation can usually be found, so it is important to make them ensured that each generation is valuable.

Author Biographies

Laura Czifra, Szent István University

undergraduate (BA) student in human resources

Aranka Mészáros, Szent István University

Associate Professor


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JUNKERT Andrea [2012]: Generációs motivációkülönbségek a munkavállalók között, (www.google.hu kereső oldal, kulcsszó: motivációs különbségek, generációk)

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How to Cite

Czifra, L., & Mészáros, A. (2013). Handing over the baton: new generations in the workplaces. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(02), 116–122. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3130