Employment opportunities in the micro region of Fehérgyarmat


  • Ádám Horváth Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Melinda Mihály Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Bálint Supka Corvinus University of Budapest


Fehérgyarmat, Rozsály, employment development, local economic development, backyard farming


The research was made in one of Hungary’s most peripherical micro regions at the Ukranian-Romanian-Hungarian triple border. The authors argued for the regional development which is based on the local resources. The two main resources of the micro region of Fehérgyarmat are the arable lands and the labor force. Building on these two resources the focus of the development proposals are the eco-minded agriculture and the eco-minded manufacturing industry built on the agricultural products produced in the micro region. Making a strong eco-minded agricultural region from the micro region of Fehérgyarmat, the authors determined a development proposal which consists of four stages. Stage one is to trace back the people who have been unemployed for a long time a possible way to reach this is to reintegrate backyard farming for the households. When people are opened for farming can they learn how to make marketable agricultural entrepreneurships. To reach this at stage two we give some ideas how to form the educational system to teach entreprenurial skills. A good way to strenghten the new enterprises is to build up new markets for them with new channels (helyipiac.hu via the web) or refresh older markets (transboundary networking). These three stages are linearly built on each other, but the fourth is a bit parallel with them. At the fourth stage we introduce a special model for developing employment rate. The reason why the model of Rozsály is special is that it is based on convergence and strong community.

Author Biographies

Ádám Horváth, Corvinus University of Budapest

MSc student

Melinda Mihály, Corvinus University of Budapest

MSc student

Bálint Supka, Corvinus University of Budapest

MSc student


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How to Cite

Horváth, Ádám, Mihály, M., & Supka, B. (2013). Employment opportunities in the micro region of Fehérgyarmat. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 10(02), 124–130. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3137