Classification of the inhabited area of Miskolc with geoinformatic methods
Miskolc, geoinformatics, settlement classification, natural conditions, social demandsAbstract
For a well-operating settlement, leaders and decision-makers have to know the natural conditions and the claims laid by the society. GIS programs are excellent devices to prepare a decision. In the first part of the examination, we qualified the area of the city based on the conditions of slope, aspect and hydrography from the point of view of building. Then we carried out classification from the viewpoint of the society, for which we surveyed the weight of factors, which are important for the inhabitants. We also mapped the objects, which are relevant for the population. In this study we rated the populated area of Miskolc with relative points on the basis of natural circumstances and social demands. We revealed that Tampere, Martintelep, Tatárdomb, Vörösmarty and the city centre have the highest points among the districts of the city.
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